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Basic guidelines

Please note that all your photos and profile texts need to be reviewed by one of our moderators before they are visible on your profile. All content is reviewed as soon as possible, but please keep in mind that it might take up to 24 hours before your photo or profile text is approved.

We have strict rules when it comes to moderating your profile texts. As it is a huge part of your first impression, it is also in your best interest that it doesn't contain anything, that is:

  •  rude or harsh
  •  aggressive, demeaning
  •  includes curse words,
  •  or explicit sexual content.

To protect our clients safety, we also reject all profile texts that include:

  • any contact information (f.ex.:email addresses, phone numbers, Contact ID-s etc)
  •  any identifying information (f.ex: home address, full name)
  •  banking details (f.ex: Card information, bank account numbers)
  •  links to other sites.

(Also see section: "How can I change my profile information?" under "How it works?")

Our Moderator team also reserves the right to monitor your messages if it contains inappropriate language, or if it is unlawful, immoral, harmful, threatening, abusive etc. (See the full list of unacceptable behavior in our Terms of Service under paragraph "Your obligations".)


Do you need further assistance? If so, please contact us using this [form].Our Customer Service team will get in contact with you as soon as possible.

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  1. Magdalene

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
