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Contact Support about your issue

Should you be experiencing technical issues, we recommend that you delete your cookies/cache or try a different browser, as this might solve the problem.

If the issue continues, our friendly support team will be more than happy to investigate it for you! Please provide them with the information below to ensure that they have everything they need help you as soon as possible:

- Your username

- The device you’re using (PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone)

(If you’re using a tablet or smartphone, please clarify the manufacturer and model.)

- The operating system you’re using

- The browser you’re using

- The exact issue you’re experiencing

- A screenshot of any error message you may have encountered

You can easily contact our support team by clicking on ‘Start a conversation’ on the main page, and choose topic "Technical issues".

Our Support Team is available 7 days a week, ready to answer your queries. However, their response time might go up based on the amount of questions they receive. The more information you give them, the better!


Do you need further assistance? If so, please contact us using this [form].Our Customer Service team will get in contact with you as soon as possible.

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  1. Magdalene

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
